Regenerative Treatments

Bundled treatment packages available.

  • PRF Facial Injections.

    Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is harvested from your own blood in a slightly different method (closed system, slow-spin ). It is a great option to compliment dermal fillers or to use on it's own as an all-natural filler derived from your body that promotes a strong scaffolding of growth factors for added volume over time.

  • PRP Injections & Treatments.

    Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections can be used as a standalone or in conjunction with microneedling (collagen induction therapy). PRP is harvested from your own blood to provide natural cellular support. The concentrated platelets and growth factors stimulate facial rejuvenation on many levels as well as hair restoration. Utilizing an FDA-approved closed-system, double-spin method to obtain PRP provides optimal results. Typical treatment areas include: face, neck, decolletage, scars, stretch marks, hair restoration. *This treatment requires blood draw, please stay hydrated 24-48hrs prior to your appointment. Dependent on treatment needs and location, 2-5 sessions may be indicated for optimal results

  • THE o-shot, the p-shot.

    The O shot uses PRP growth factors derived from a woman's body to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation. It is injected with a fine needle into the clitoris and anterior vaginal wall to improve sexual response. Anesthetic (numbing) cream, allows the woman to feel little or no pain. Typical improvement includes: stronger and/or more frequent orgasms, increased sexual desire, improved stimulation, rejuvenated vaginal opening, reduction of stress incontinence symptoms, reduction of pelvic pain during intercourse.

    The P shot also uses PRP growth factors derived from a man's body to increase penis size while obtaining a longer and more sustainable erection. Studies also suggest that this procedure may make men more fertile and potentially cure issues related to erectile dysfunction. This treatment may also help in addressing decreased or lost function due to the after-effects of surgery, prostate cancer, drug side effects and other chronic conditions. Typical improvement includes: stronger and/or more frequent orgasms, increased sexual desire, improved stamina, increased length and/or girth of penis.

  • PRP/PRF Hair restoration.

    Growth factors in PRP/PRF can be used to reduce the affects of hair loss by stimulating the cells of the hair follicle to promote new cellular growth and regeneration. PRP/PRF treatments can be used in hair restoration to stimulate inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase. *4-6 treatments are typically indicated, 6 weeks apart with maintenance phases after the initial treatments have been completed for optimal results.

  • PDO Threads

    State-of-the-art procedure that tightens, lifts and rejuvenates sagging skin through the use of dissolvable Polydioxanone (PDO) threads. These threads (sutures) have been used in cardiac and orthopedic surgeries for decades. They come in three main forms: smooth (scaffolding), spiral (filler) and barbed (lifting). These threads trigger natural collagen production for long-term skin enhancement while restoring sagging skin tissue to a more youthful appearance. The threads tighten skin by causing fat tissue to contract around the threads and are biocompatible and absorbed over time. Typical treatment areas include: eyes, brows, cheeks, jawline, neckline, decoletege, above the knee and buttocks. *Facial pressure should be avoided the first week post-procedure with mild swelling and redness to be expected. Typical maintenance is indicated after 8-12 months


    Micronutrients are the metabolic workhorses of our bodies. These are small, often microscopic, chemicals that power all the biochemical reactions in the body. Contrary to established paradigms about health, the majority of chronic disease is attributable in lar part to cellular deficiencies in micronutrients!

    By identifying deficiences and correcting them, you can prevent, treat, and reverse many medical conditions.

    Identify the root cause of symptoms related to automimmune disorders, gut malabsorption, inflammation, migraines, hormonal/thyroid imbalances and so much more!

    Lab draw required along with initial consultation with our clinic provider. Approach to care is individualized based upon functional cell lab results.


    Finding your balance with Male & Female Hormone Therapy.

    Active in cells throughout the body, hormones govern key facets of our health such as moods, memory, energy, sleep, libido and fertility. They not only regulate our immune system and response to stress, but help maintain bone and muscle mass, too.

    Factors such as stress, diet, exercise and environmental toxins impact our overall hormone wellness. This is particularly true at mid-life, when reproductive functions diminish, and significant hormone production is taken over by the adrenal glands.

    Symptoms resulting from hormonal shifts in our bodies can be felt strongly- leading us to feel physically or mentally out of balance.



    Peptide therapy is at the forefront of Regenerative Medicine research as an effective treatment that aids in the transformation of both internal and external body transitions.

    Peptides are small proteins formed of short and long chains of amino acids that the body uses as hormones and signaling molecules for biological pathways. Dysfunctions or deficiencies in these chains create dysfunctions within our body’s cellular processing and metabolism centers. This may impact stability of mood, adrenal hormones, weight loss, libido, wound healing, muscle growth, collagen building and so much more!

    Peptide therapy helps the body impersonate the functions of naturally occurring peptides to imitate certain abilities on focused areas to improve identified or known dysfunction.


    *Our Medical-Grade, Pharmaceutical Peptides are approved through the International Peptide Society.